Do you know the 6 great benefits of pistachios?

Pistachios are one of the nuts that has the most benefits, such as helping to regulate cholesterol and improve the condition of the skin, among others. We help you to know what the benefits of pistachios are so that you have more reasons to include them in your healthy diet and, above all, in your travels.

1. They help lower cholesterol.

The monounsaturated fats that pistachios contain help lower cholesterol levels.

2. Improves circulation.

It is a food rich in fiber, which increases metabolism and improves the digestive functions of the body.

3. They help fight hypertension.

4. They have great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

They help reduce the risk of suffering from chronic and degenerative diseases, derived from diabetes.

5. Vision protection.

In recent years, the consumption of pistachios without salt has been associated with a lower appearance of cataracts, vision loss and macular degeneration.

6. They have a satiating effect.

This fruit is considered a healthy snack to take as an aperitif between meals and calm the ‘worm’ without neglecting food and, in turn, obtaining energy.

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